Magnetic Water Installation

These are the steps to do the magnetic water installation onto your water pipe that you can do yourself. This takes just 5 minutes and is very easy to do without any special tools. You may only need one tool if you choose to use zip ties – a scissor to cut off the excess ends. You can also uninstall these magnets in case you move to another home. See the instructions at the bottom of this page. If you came to this page first and would like to know about the benefits of magnetic water please click here – Magnetic Water

Whether you choose the DIY (do it yourself) bar magnets or the Magnetic Water Technology magnets, these are the first steps to do.

  1. Locate your incoming water pipe before it splits off into anything like the irrigation or any part of your home, townhouse, condo or apartment. The closer you install the magnets to your water meter the better. The reason for this is to treat and protect as much of your water pipe with the magnets.
  2. If you live in an apartment where you cannot locate your incoming water pipe, you would then have to place magnets in various areas like the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower pipe, toilet pipe, etc.
  3. Locate your outgoing water pipe from your hot water heater. This step is optional but is recommended if you have very hard or extremely hard water.
  4. Before proceeding, please read our Terms of Use.

DIY Bar Magnets

  1. Be careful in separating the magnets due to pinching possibility with your fingers because of the magnet pulling strength. Also, use safety goggles or glasses due to the possibility of magnets breaking and sending sharp metal flying about. Follow the directions on the package to separate the magnets safely.
  2. If you plan on doing this as a test, you can install these magnets without using the 3M double-sided tape. Just be careful that the magnets don’t stick together abruptly when installing.
  3. Attach the 3M double-sided tape to the north and south of the bar magnets. To determine this, the magnets need to attract each other, not repel each other.
  4. Install magnets to the incoming water pipe as shown below. It doesn’t matter which end of the bar magnets goes to inflow or outflow of the water. Don’t forget to peel the 3M paper to be able to stick the magnets on the water pipe. The use of zip ties is optional but is recommended. You can get zip ties at your nearby dollar or hardware store if you don’t have any on hand.
  5. If necessary, install the second pair of magnets on the exit pipe from your water heater. Be careful as the pipe will be very warm or hot depending on your hot water heat setting. Due to the heat of the pipe, we recommend using zip ties even though the 3M tape is rated for high temperatures.
DIY installed bar magnets - magnetic water installation
Installed bar magnets on the cold water pipe

Magnetic Water Technology Magnets

Simply follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Magnetic Water Technology - magnetic water installation
Magnetic Water Technology magnet installed

Uninstalling Magnets

The great thing about these magnets is the fact that you can uninstall them in case you move to another home. Be careful in removing the magnets that are installed using 3M tape. The tape has a strong bond so you may need to use some dental floss to separate the magnets from the water pipe. If you happen to have some double-sided tape on hand then you can re-attach the magnets to your new water pipes. If you don’t have the tape on hand, it might be less expensive to purchase more bar magnets because they are so inexpensive.

We hope this information on magnetic water installation was helpful to you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Please let us know how magnetic water has been a benefit to you.