Want to save on toilet paper?

Did you know that 270,000 trees are used every year for toilet paper? Have you heard of a bidet (pronounced buh-day)? It’s an amazing plumbing fixture that is added to your existing toilet. The bidet has been around since the 1600s and started in France. This is a normal feature in homes and public restrooms all around the world but is rarely found in homes in the United States. Not sure why. Maybe the toilet paper companies don’t want you to know about it which means less money for them.

Not only does the bidet save you on toilet paper usage, but it is also much healthier and more hygienic to use than toilet paper. Think about it as it is basically using water versus paper. If some dirt or bird poop landed on your arm, would you use toilet paper to clean it off or would you prefer to use soap and water? Of course, it would be more sanitary to use soap and water than toilet paper. I don’t think the toilet paper would get rid of the smell if there was any. Water would do a much better job with the smell.

The other awesome benefit of using a bidet is with the dreaded “H” word – hemorrhoids! With a bidet, you will have no more irritation from toilet paper friction on your private parts. Yay!

Using a bidet is also great for the environment since there would be fewer trees to chop down. I don’t know the exact figures but it would be a lot of trees saved.

How does it work?

Well, while you’re sitting on the proverbial throne and after doing your business, you simply turn the control gradually and use the outgoing water to wash your behind. You can even use soap after the first rinse and then do a final rinse. You will feel more refreshed like you just stepped out of the shower. It is really a night and day difference when compared to using toilet paper.

Is it easy to install?

Installing a bidet is fairly simple and most people can do this. This particular bidet shown below uses flexible stainless steel lines with compression fittings. When using compression fittings, you DO NOT use Teflon tape or pipe dope on the threads. All you need to do is tighten the nut onto the thread with your fingers until you feel resistance. After that, you take your wrench or pliers and turn the nut just a 1/4 turn more and you’re done. Obviously, check for water leaks afterward. You may need to turn the nut a bit more until the leak stops. Over-tightening a compression fitting will cause a leak so be aware. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for all the other parts. You will also need to shut off your water supply to your toilet before starting.

slim design bidet
Slim design bidet

When choosing a bidet look for these features:

  • dual nozzle – for the rear and the front
  • all metal fittings, not plastic
  • slim design – does not raise the toilet seat much and change the seat height
  • stainless steel lines vs plastic lines
  • compression fittings vs regular fittings

Can I get one for traveling?

After having one in your home for a while, you may be wondering how can I get a bidet when you travel or just away from home. Well, you’re in luck. They make a portable bidet too! Life has never been better!

portable bidet
Portable Bidet

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